Blocked ear
The persistent feeling that an ear is blocked can be unpleasant and can have a variety of causes, some more serious than others.
Hearing loss
Hearing loss can often be fully repaired without resorting to hearing aids, depending on the cause. Treating it significantly improves quality of life.
Recurring infections
Recurring infections of the ear require specialised treatment to stop ongoing symptoms and prevent long term damage.
Tinnitus is a persistent ringing or other noise in your ears. While usually harmless, it is often a symptom of other treatable health issues.
Vertigo is an unpleasant feeling of your environment spinning around you. After diagnosis, there are a range of ways to treat this debilitating symptom.
Wax and glue ear
Glue ear can be an uncomfortable and serious condition for children and adults. The right kind of treatment will ease feelings of discomfort and improve impaired hearing.
If swollen and infected adenoids are causing breathing problems and other serious problems, it is important to get them checked and possibly removed.
Allergic reactions can be irritating or they can be a life-threatening health problem. Medical assessment is key to identify allergies to help maintain a better way of life.
Blocked nose
A blocked nose can be an irritable feeling and although it may pass, a lingering problem could be a sign of something more troublesome. There are a number of causes and solutions to this condition.
Nasal septum deviation
Although harmless, nasal septum deviation can cause breathing difficulties, disturbed sleep, and loud snoring. A surgical procedure is the only way to improve airflow for this condition.
Painless growths inside the nose, called polyps, can block your nose and restrict normal breathing. Although treatable with countertop medicines, some cases may need surgical attention.
Recurring nosebleeds
Although nosebleeds may be alarming, it is not often a sign of a serious health problem. If they are excessive, then medical help should be sought.
Sinusitis can be an irritating or sometimes a painful experience that can lead to a poor quality of life if left untreated for a long period of time.
Snoring and sleep apnoea
The chronic condition of sleep apnoea, caused by heavy and constant snoring, can be studied and treated to help you get undisturbed sleep.
Lump in the throat
A feeling of having a lump or tightness in your throat is not a comfortable experience. Medical assessment is a sensible way to help determine what is causing this.
Neck lumps
There are a number of possible reasons for having lumps in the neck. Most of the time the masses are not harmful, but it is important to rule out any potential health problems by booking a consultation.
Skin lesions and cancers
The appearance of a discolored patch of skin or a new lump could be an indication of a type of skin cancer. Always get a doctor to examine the affected area.
Thyroid problems
Having a thyroid problem can affect your mood, sleep, and weight and if left untreated it could lead to worse problems. Speak to a specialist to get the best possible treatment.
Tonsillitis is a common condition that affects mainly children and can be an uncomfortable or painful ordeal. Sometimes careful home treatment is enough to defeat this condition, but other times further medical help is required.
Tonsil stones
Tonsil stones are not serious, but they can cause swelling that is painful and lead to bad breath. Read more about our available treatments and advice.
Voice problems
Not being able to communicate normally is a frustrating and life-restricting problem. There are a number of reasons why this may be happening with some issues being minor and others needing more medical attention.