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The diagnostic process you can expect

Treatment can only ever follow a proper diagnosis process and in the case of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) this is particularly important to get right. In ENT there is a complex relationship between the three systems, which are all connected and interdependent. There can also be additional complications from surrounding systems such as the neck muscles and the impact of migraines, reflux, coughing, stress, and general factors of physical and psychological function and well-being.

Good medicine always starts with a good history. We ensure that as a patient you get the time to express in your own words all the symptoms and concerns you have. Our initial research and questions then help to further define what we are most likely dealing with.

In ENT, the clinical examination is often enhanced by performing a clinic nasal endoscopy, which can look at all the linings of in the nose and throat. At that stage the diagnosis can either be clearly established or else one can draw up a list of possible working diagnoses.

Other helpful methods available to use for diagnosis include scans, needle biopsies, allergy testing, or simply trialling a form of treatment that could help and seeing what the response is.


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