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Vertigo (a feeling of loss of balance)

Often incorrectly used when describing a fear of heights, vertigo is in fact a disorientating feeling of dizziness mostly caused by an inner ear problem. Individuals with this symptom may experience light-headedness or a floating sensation that lasts for a few seconds or - in more severe cases - hours.

Our balance is maintained by our brain, which processes our vision, hearing, the nervous system, and movement. However, it is closely tied to the inner ear. If something disrupts these sensory systems, it can cause our body to lose its sense of balance - leading to these uncomfortable feelings. 

Despite what many may think, it is quite uncommon for vertigo to be a sign of a stroke, brain tumour, or another neurological condition. It is usually something much more easily treated, such as an inner ear infection.

To provide effective treatment for vertigo, a detailed diagnosis is needed. These useful investigations include pure tone hearing tests, balance canal testing, and brain imaging - such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). 

Treatments can be carried out in the clinic where there is an issue within the ear canal. In special circumstances, for instance if Ménière's disease is present, surgery may be needed.

What are some possible causes of vertigo?

  • Stress or anxiety.

  • Certain medications.

  • An ear infection or inflammation possibly caused by a cold or a virus.

  • Migraines.

  • Calcium particles clumping inside the ear.

  • Particular head movements that trigger vertigo.

  • Ménière's disease.

  • Head or neck injury.

What can I do about it?

  • Physical exercise can help. The brain deals with vertigo more effectively over time, if you are able to without triggering the symptom.

  • Sit still to reduce feelings of dizziness when they occur. 

  • Try to relax as anxiety may trigger this symptom.

To check if you have vertigo or to seek treatment if these sensations persist, book an appointment with our consultant.

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